Behind the Photographer
Since I can remember I was attracted to photo cameras not really for the camera itself but for the great wonder of capturing moment, I was a young boy , spending hours looking in the cupboard of my father and checking all his gear , looking into his diapo boxes , messing up with their memories and all their prints , my melancholic character combined with the wonder of a kid of tha age , developped in time in a true strong passion.
I would build the projector when no-one would see me and take out thousands of pictures and look for hours in a dark room until my mother would come in and see thousands of pictures on the ground and definitely not being too happy about it.
First present i remember i ever asked was a small film camera , the cheapest film camera one button system money could buy, and time went on and thousands of sunset's pictures after the love grown deeper.
When i was 20 i bought my first reflex F5 Nikon, and got more into it and completely loved it.
Problem was too expensive to develop so i drop the passion for few years, like never existed without thinking about it anymore.
Until one precise moment , driving down the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, driving to the great planes, when hevy emotions hit me and i look for instinct to grab my camera , but no camera was there as i didnt own one at that time.
The feeling of that moment triggered an even stronger passion , which i want to cherish and coltivate and never let go again.